Financial Resources for Beginner Astronomers
Find yourself stargazing often? You could be an astronomer in the making.
But the potential costs could bring you back down to Earth.
Instead, let these 140 astronomy resources below help curb the cost of your study, including STEM scholarships, free astronomy courses, internship programs, and astronomy-focused news sites.
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If you already know you want to study Astronomy or a related STEM discipline in college, be sure to consult this ultimate list of scholarships from universities around the world.
Remember: each organization has different scholarship requirements, so check carefully.
- Virginia Space Grant Consortium: Scholarship for rising juniors and seniors who are enrolled full-time in a STEM program and have a specific faculty-mentored research project that has NASA or aerospace relevance.
- Greater Kansas City Community Foundation: Scholarships for students interested in Astronomy, or a related field, and that have been accepted into the Department of Physics at University of Missouri-Kansas City.
- University of Alabama: Department of Physics and Astronomy offers the Alabama High School Physics Contest scholarships and the E. Scott Barr Scholarships.
- Eastern Michigan University: Various scholarships from the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
- Northern Arizona University: Various scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students at NAU from the Department of Astronomy & Planetary Science.
- University of Ohio: Scholarships and financial aid for students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
- Minnesota State University: Scholarships for students in Department of Physics and Astronomy.
- Ohio State University: Scholarships, fellowships, and awards for undergraduate students from the Ohio State Department of Astronomy.
- Aerospace States Association: Two $2,000 scholarships for students majoring in aerospace-related education.
- Barry Goldwater: Scholarship for full-time junior or sophomore higher education students interested in natural science, mathematics or engineering.
- North Dakota Space Grant Consortium: Scholarship funding for outstanding students at North Dakota's public two- and four-year colleges and universities pursuing STEM that support NASA research and technology needs.
- National Space Club: Scholarship for high school senior, undergraduate or graduate student with definite plans to pursue a career in the STEM fields.
- Iowa Space Grant Consortium: Scholarships for undergraduate students pursuing a degree in STEM disciplines that support NASA's mission.
- PixelPlex: $2,000 scholarship for students who pursue further education in the fields of STEM, as well as economics and business.
- AFCEA Washington, DC: STEM scholarships for graduating high school seniors.
- Foundation for The Carolinas: Scholarships for eligible college-bound students from North and South Carolina who are pursuing a STEM major, or in accounting, finance or business administration.
- Council of the Great City Schools: $5,000 scholarships for students who continue education in a STEM related field.
- Davidson Fellows Scholarship: $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to gifted and high-achieving students (18 years old or under) interested in STEM or literature, music, philosophy, or an outside the box field.
- GeneTex: $2,000 scholarship to students pursuing a STEM undergraduate or graduate degree.
- Heinlein Society: Several scholarships for students who pursue education in engineering, math, or biological or physical sciences.
- The Explorers Club: $1,500 scholarship for high school and undergraduate students interested in sciences.
- NAVSEA: Scholarship for outstanding incoming college freshmen (i.e. graduating high school seniors) intending to pursue a degree in STEM.
- Mensa Foundation: Dr. Peter M. Kendall Science Scholarship is granted for undergraduate students majoring in natural sciences (including biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, environmental science, forestry, pre-med, pre-dent).
- Mensa Foundation: David Mann Scholarship is granted for undergraduate students majoring in aeronautical engineering or an aerospace field.
- Scholarship America: The Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship-for-Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing bachelor's, master's, or Ph.D. program in STEM (including Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering).
- Interstellar Research Group: Scholarship is granted for undergraduate students who were high school seniors in the southeast United States (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia) who plan to pursue their first undergraduate degree in a STEM related field at any accredited, four-year American college or university.
- USRA: The USRA Distinguished Undergraduate Awards provide college scholarships to students interested in science or engineering (space research or space science education, and aeronautics-related sciences are preferred).
- Alaska Space Grant Program: Alaska Space Grant Program provides scholarship for undergraduate students who majoring in STEM or STEM related field.
- ASM International: Scholarship for local students who are embarking on a career in Metallurgy, Materials Science or other engineering/science disciplines.
- California Capital Airshow: Scholarships to graduating high school seniors planning to pursue a degree in Aviation, Aeronautics, Airport Management, Aerospace, Science, Technology, Engineering or Math.
- Charleston Engineers Joint Council: Scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school senior from the Lowcountry, who plans to pursue an engineering or technology degree.
- Daedalians Foundation: Scholarship for students interested in military aviator (pilot, navigator, combat systems officer, Naval flight officer, air battle manager, astronaut, RPA pilot, or flight surgeon).
- First Responders Children's Foundation: The Vincent Bennett, Jr. Memorial scholarship is awarded annually to an incoming freshman who is the child of a law enforcement officer or firefighter who was killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty majoring in engineering.
- Indiana Society of Professional Engineers: Scholarship program to aid Indiana students interested in pursuing engineering careers.
- National Space Grant Foundation: LaSPACE Undergraduate Research Assistantship (LURA) Program is directed at undergraduate science and engineering students who are interested in space/aerospace science and technology.
- Lockheed Martin: Lockheed Martin offers scholarship for high school seniors who are going to enroll full-time at an accredited four-year college or university in the U.S. majoring in engineering.
- North Carolina Space Grant: NC Space Grant awards Undergraduate Research Scholarships to students who are pursuing careers in STEM fields that support NASA's Mission Directorates.
- NSHSS Foundation: NSHSS Foundation offers scholarships to students who are majoring in engineering (eligible major listed on the website).
- SBB Scholarship: Scholarships to students who are majoring in STEM fields.
- Edison International: $40,000 college scholarships to 30 high school seniors who are going to major in STEM fields.
- Texas Space Grant Consortium: STEM scholarship program from the Texas Space Grant Consortium and the Aviation and Space Foundation of Texas in partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
- Freemont Foundation: Scholarship for undergraduate students who are major in sciences.
- Pacific Gas & Electric Company: Scholarships for Californian students majoring in STEM.
Scholarships for Specific Groups
- ABC Wild Life: $2,000 scholarship for graduate and undergraduate women enrolling or continuing in STEM fields.
- Morelli Foundation: Scholarship for dyslexic undergraduate students who major in STEM.
- JVS Chicago: Scholarships for eligible Jewish students.
- KLJ Way: Kearns Louis-Jean Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students of color within Boston, and neighboring cities/town, entering their first year of college, and pursuing a degree within STEM.
- Phoenix Aises: Scholarships for Native American, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian college students attending in Arizona college or university as a full-time undergraduate student in a STEM-related major or course of study.
- Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium: Scholarships to underrepresented undergraduate students in STEM.
- Souder Miller & Associates: $1,500 per academic year scholarship opportunity for Native American students pursuing a four-year degree in in STEM.
- Chicago Scholars: Elevating Futures Scholarship is offered to qualified Chicago Public School students from low-income households in pursuing a STEM four-year college degree.
- Collabera: $2,500 scholarship to a female STEM student.
- LULAC National Educational Service Center: Scholarship for outstanding Hispanic high school seniors who plan to pursue a degree in engineering at U.S. post-secondary institutions.
- Women in Aerospace Foundation: Scholarships for women interested in a career in the aerospace field to pursue higher education degrees in engineering, math or science.
Astronomy Internships and Research Opportunities
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Already studying astronomy? This list of internships and research opportunities is great for both undergraduate and graduate students looking to dive deeper into the field.
- American Museum of Natural History: Summer undergraduate research opportunities in Astrophysics and Earth and Planetary Science offered by AMNH Division of Physical Sciences.
- Berkeley Seti Research Center: Summer paid internship for undergraduate research interns at Housed in the Astronomy Department at the University of California, Berkeley.
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory: JPL, with NASA, offers a 10-week full time Summer Internship Program for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in STEM.
- Caltech LIGO SURF: Summer internship for undergraduate students in physics, astronomy, and engineering.
- Haystack Observatory: Summer research positions in science, engineering, and computer science for undergraduate students.
- NASA: Internship opportunities are offered 3 times per year.
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory: Summer student research assistantship for undergraduate students.
- Green Bank Observatory: Undergraduate Internships with stipends.
- Purdue University: Research experiences for undergraduates, with stipends.
- McDonald Observatory: Undergraduate internships, with stipends.
- Brooke Owens Fellowship: Paid internship and executive mentorship for undergraduate women and gender-minority students.
- Carnegie Observatories: Carnegie Astrophysics Summer Student Internship Program (CASSI) is a 10-week paid internship for undergraduate students.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory: Internship for undergrarduate students, community college students, and more.
- Brigham Young University: Research experiences for undergraduate students and teachers with stipends.
- American Physical Society: Bridge program for undergraduate students studying physics, including astrophysics.
- Wyoming Space Grant: Research fellowships and internships for students at the University of Wyoming and Wyoming Community Colleges in STEM major.
- Lunar and Planetary Institute: Provides 10-week internship program for undergraduate students.
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory: Internship programs for undergraduate students.
- Maria Mitchell Observatory: Summer research opportunities in astronomy and astrophysics for students on the island of Nantucket.
- Northwestern University: Research experiences for undergraduate students.
- Rochester Institute of Technology: Research experiences for undergraduates in Multimessenger Astrophysics.
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics: REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Intern Program is an internship program for undergraduates who will take astrophysics projects.
- University of Florida: NSF-funded REU program from the Departement of Astronomy in University of Florida
- The University of Utah: 10-week summer research experience program in physics and astronomy from The Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Utah.
- University of Wisconsin-Madison: 10-week REU programs in Astronomy and Astrophysics from The Astronomy Department and the Astrophysics Group of the Physics Department.
- University of Wyoming: Research experiences for undergraduate students.
- Yale University: Undergraduate students' internship from The Dorrit Hoffleit Undergraduate Astronomy Research Fellowship.
- Banneker Institute: Research experiences with stipends for undergraduate students.
- University of Colorado Boulder: Paid summer research experience for undergraduates interested in solar and space physics.
- CRESST: Research experience as summer internship for 6-15 students with stipends of $7,300 for undergrads and $9,000 for graduate-level students.
- Space Telescope Science Institute: Paid internship for undergraduate who are interested in astronomy.
- Psyche NASA: Internship program for undergraduate students from any discipline or major.
- Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research: Educational experiences for undergraduate students, with grants of up to $5,000 for astronomy research and $2,500 for vision related research.
- National Space Club: Olin E. Teague Scholarship for graduating senior high school students who are going to pursue career in aerospace fields.
Free Astronomy Courses from Universities
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You'd be surprised how many prestigious universities offer free online astronomy courses to the public. Pick a few from the list below to start learning.
- University of Illinois: "Planet Earth...and You!" free course.
- University of Copenhagen: "Origins - Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life" free course.
- University of Rochester: "Confronting the Big Questions: Highlights of Modern Astronomy" free course.
- University of Tokyo: "From the Big Bang to Dark Energy" free course.
- Princeton University: "Imagining Other Earths" free course.
- University of Illinois: "Emergence of Life" free course.
- Stanford University: "Planetary Habitability" free course.
- University of Arizona: "Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space" free course.
- University of Colorado Boulder: "The Sun and the Total Eclipse of August 2017" free course.
- University of Amsterdam: "Big History - From the Big Bang until Today" free course.
- The University of Edinburg: "AstroTech: The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery" free course.
- University of Alberta: "Astro 101: Black Holes" free course.
- University of Sydney: "Data-driven Astronomy" free course.
- Caltech: "The Evolving Universe" free course.
- Harvard University: "Super-Earths and Life" free course.
- Australian National University: "Astrophysics: Cosmology" free course.
- Australian National University: "Astrophysics: The Violent Universe" free course.
- Australian National University: "Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets" free course.
- Australian National University: "Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe" free course.
More Free Courses
- Udemy: "Astronomy - State of the Art" free course.
- Khan Academy: "Cosmology and Astronomy" free course.
- Khan Academy: "Unit: Stars, black holes and galaxies" free course.
- Planetary Society: "Introduction to Planetary Science and Astronomy Course" free course.
- edX: Various free astronomy courses.
- OpenLearn: Various free astronomy courses.
- Royal Observatory Greenwich: "Our Solar System and Beyond: Teaching Primary Science" free course.
- Udemy: "Astronomy for VCE Physics" free tutorial.
- MEPhIX: "From Atoms to Stars: How Physics Explains Our World" free course.
Astronomy News and Tools
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Whether you're hoping to get into the field of astronomy or just think of it as a personal hobby, these publications and stargazing tools are sure to open your mind and deepen your knowledge.
News, Journals and Data
- Sky and Telescope: Astronomy information and resources for amateur astronomers and space buffs.
- Science NASA: Scientific articles for both experienced researchers and for beginners.
- Gale: Astronomy journals, databases, and other resources.
- Planetary: Articles on various astronomical topics.
- Amateur Astronomers Association of New York: Various articles for amateur astronomers.
- Nine Planets: Scientific data on the planets, moons and other objects in our solar system.
- Super Power Optics: Astronomy tool buying guides, blogs, and reviews.
- Space exploration and astronomy news.
- Celestron: Helpful astronomy resources for beginners.
- Teach Astronomy: Astronomy learning tool, featuring a wikimap of different astronomy topics.
- Astronomy provides news, photo, video, blogs, and other resources.
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific : Astronomy education, outreach, news, and publications for beginners.
- Ask an Astronomer: Website from Astronomy Department at Cornell University that provides resources for beginners.
- The Awesome Amateur Astronomer: Educational guides on every aspect of astronomy.
- Las Cumbres Observatory: Educational resources to better understand our universe.
- Space Scoop: News from across the universe.
- Zooniverse: Help sort galaxies by machine classifiers.
- Rocket STEM: Articles for a beginner's guide to astronomy.
- Find Your Context: Free PDFs, games, and videos about astronomy.
- European Space Agency: News and resources for astronomy.
- Universe Today: News on space and astronomy.
- Fiske Planetarium: Virtual programs and educational resources.
- Exploratorium: Simple astronomy and space sciences experiments.
- Space Facts: Collection of scientific, historical, and cultural facts about space.
Stargazing Tools and Software
- Fifth Star Labs: An app to help beginners to identify stars, planets, constellations and more.
- Celestia: A free space simulation that explores the universe in three dimensions.
- Google Earth: Explore the night sky with Google Earth.
- Stellarium: A free open source planetarium that shows a realistic 3D sky.
- Night Sky App: A powerful "personal planetarium" app available on the iPhone App Store.
The Night Sky app is stunning! I'm no astronomer but I can easily spend hours searching through the constellations and stars - highly recommended!
Bottom Line
We hope this list of resources can enable all aspiring astronomers to discover the wonders of space and make the field of study just a little more accessible. Shoot for the moon, stargazers!
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