Updated September 18, 2016

Best Solo Travel Blogs: Top Influential Bloggers

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The truest of adventurers go it alone. They pack minimally and head off for some sightseeing and self-reflection, and many of them blog about it. We've got the best of the best solo travel blogs to inspire your next solitary adventure.

Don't have the guts to travel on your own? Do it vicariously through any of these bloggers, who offer travel tips, guides for can't-miss places and photographs of their destinations. Some bloggers focus on one area - such as the UK or the Philippines - while others are making it their life mission to travel to as many places around the world as possible.

Tip: While it is inspiring to travel alone, remember to pack more than one credit card, preferably one with no foreign transaction fees, and a backup form of photo identification.

Top Solo Travel Blogs

There are so many solo travel bloggers out there that it was hard to limit our list. We've picked only the best ones worth following. Follow along on one of these blogger's current adventures or use their advice to kickstart your next trip.

  • The Longest Way Home

    When Dave started off on his world travels, he thought he would be gone for a year - now, more than eight years later, he's still on the long road home.

    Why The Longest Way Home is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Detailed looks into various aspects of tourism, including eco-friendly, cultural, historical, and practical tips.

    Read: Mandala Street in Kathmandu
    Follow @TLWH

  • Be on the Road

    Travel enthusiast Sankara is out to demystify travel for Indians and shares his unique cultural experiences around the world.

    Why Be on the Road is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Sankara discusses all regions, but he offers insider tips to India and surrounding countries.

    Read: Time for a Spring Getaway? It's a Bloom-ing Time to Go to Japan
    Follow @sankaracs

  • Traveling Savage

    Keith Savage quit his job to follow his passion for adventure around Scotland with a great beverage in hand.

    Why Traveling Savage is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Detailed itineraries and reviews for destinations around Scotland.

    Read: Dunfermline Abbey, Where Scottish Kings Sleep Eternal
    Follow @travelingsavage

  • Vagabond Journey

    Wade has spent the last 17 years traveling around the world. He is especially fond of China and the cultural mixture of the country.

    Why Vagabond Journey is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Detailed travel essays and unique looks into different cultures.

    Read: Second Bout of Travels
    Follow @vagabondjourney

  • Globetrotting Galore by Gunnar Garfors

    The youngest hobby traveler to visit every country, Gunnar once visited five countries in five continents in a single day. His blog shares his experiences, recommendations, and advice for other travelers.

    Why Globetrotting Galore by Gunnar Garfors is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Get Gunnar's top picks for best countries, airports, etc., and his advice to make travel more fun and exciting.

    Read: Why Terrorism Shouldn't Stop You From Travelling
    Follow @garfors

  • Triphackr

    Clint has travel-hacked through 100 countries by flying for free, never paying full price, and enjoying every day to the fullest.

    Why Triphackr is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Learn how to save on travel and turn your dreams into a reality with destination guides.

    Read: 30 Best Countries in the World to Visit
    Follow @TripHackr

  • Mai Travel Site

    Federico spent a year traveling the world and now blogs about money-saving tips, hidden-path destinations, and a guide to planning the ultimate trip.

    Why Mai Travel Site is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Everything you need to know about planning the perfect trip. Follow along his journey as he starts to blog about adventure and family travel.

    Read: Carnival 2016: Scams and Dangers in Rio de Janeiro
    Follow @maitravelsite

  • Curb Free with Cory Lee

    Travel addict Cory is in a wheelchair, but he doesn't let that stop him from experiencing the world. His blog brings a unique travel perspective.

    Why Curb Free with Cory Lee is a Top Solo Travel Blog: A great resource for wheelchair travelers and general travel tips.

    Read: 5 Products that Make Travelling as a Wheelchair User a Little Easier
    Follow @coryleetweets

  • Wandering Earl

    Derek has had a wild and crazy travel life; he has worked, volunteered, and adventured around the world, and he shares stories and his best travel tips on his blog.

    Why Wandering Earl is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Derek offers great travel advice and honest feedback of the life of a solo traveler.

    Read: Why I'm Concerned About Travel Blogging
    Follow @wanderingearl

  • What's Dave Doing

    Dave has tried to settle down and stop traveling, but he just can't bring himself to quit. He has travelled fulltime for 5 years. He shares stories about his full-time travel adventures.

    Why What's Dave Doing is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Great details on packing lists, destinations, and useful travel tips for both solo and couples travel.

    Read: Reflections on the Camino
    Follow @driftingkiwi

  • Eff It, I'm On Holiday

    Vlad takes advantage of every minute of his travels, turning his vacations into whatever he wants them to be.

    Why Eff It, I'm On Holiday is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Travel journals with a mixture of historical sites, great food, and fun activities. While Vlad doesn't travel solo, his blog has useful insights for solo travelers.

    Read: From Praiano to Positano in One Day
    Follow @efitimonholiday

  • Ramble and Wander

    Malaysian RaW has spent one-third of his life living in and traveling to new countries. He shares his photos and stories on his blog.

    Why Ramble and Wander is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Historical and cultural stories and information for regions around the world.

    Read: Iceland: A Road Trip Around the Ring Road
    Follow @rambleandwander

  • Romancing the Planet

    Sai loves experiencing new cultures, food, and people, and travels around Asia to soak it all in.

    Why Romancing the Planet is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Hotel reviews and tips for travel throughout India and southeast Asia.

    Read: A Food Lover's Guide to Iran
    Follow @romancingplanet

  • Nomadic Experiences Narratives written by Marky Ramone Go

    Marky Go blogs to share his stories and to be connected with the travel community. His unique travel approach has given him some amazing tales.

    Why Nomadic Experiences Narratives is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Great travel journals with tidbits from each location's culture and history.

    Read: Keep Kalm at Kalanggaman Island
    Follow @markyramonego

  • This Life in Trips

    Shaun measures his life in experiences and loves to find new food and new places.

    Why This Life in Trips is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Useful travel tutorials and detailed travel journals.

    Read: Ubud Paradise: Villa Sabandari Review
    Follow @ThisLifeinTrips

  • Gotta Keep Movin'

    Emma lives in one place for a year before moving on to the next country. She learns the land like a local and shares her experiences.

    Why Gotta Keep Movin' is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Emma uses podcasts and written stories to share her tips for getting the most out of travel.

    Read: Wales: A Weekend in Brecon Beacons Itinerary
    Follow @gottakeepmovin

  • Dauntless Jaunter

    A central location for Christian's travel thoughts and adventures, the blog aims to provide information and inspire other travelers to see the world.

    Why Dauntless Jaunter is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Easy-to-read infographics and useful videos about making the most of your travel experiences.

    Read: 10 Interesting Facts About Latvia
    Follow @dauntlessjauntr

  • The World or Bust

    Digital nomad Jeremy wants to build connections across borders and looks for ways to meet new people and see new things when he travels.

    Why The World or Bust is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Feel the excitement as Jeremy shares travel news and well-kept secrets.

    Read: 15 of the Best Cities in the World for Full-Time Vagabonds
    Follow @theworldorbust

  • Global Gaz

    Gaz has a goal to visit every country in the world, and he shares unique experiences and destinations along his path.

    Why Global Gaz is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Off-the-beaten path locations, unique experiences and must-see places.

    Read: Visiting the Armenian Genocide Memorial
    Follow @Global_Gaz

  • Universal Traveller

    Tim has backpacked, hitchhiked, and couchsurfed around the world. He blogs about his unique tales of luxury adventure travel.

    Why Universal Traveller is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Get inspired to travel, plus see amazing pictures and follow along on Tim's ""city interview"" series.

    Read: 20 Signs You are Born to Travel
    Follow @utluxurytravel

  • Simon's JamJar

    Simon took a trip around the world and now travels as much as he can. From popular destinations to off-beat locales, he has lots of stories to share.

    Why Simon's JamJar is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Lots of advice for UK destinations, as well as other adventures from around the world.

    Read: 6 of the Best Restaurants in Tallinn's Old Town
    Follow @MrHeyes

  • LeMisstache

    Shayne loves to look for abandoned places, film locations, and wild adventures. She shares food reviews, travel stories, and pictures.

    Why LeMisstache is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Stunning pictures with unique travel tips and destinations.

    Read: Raming's Beachfront Home
    Follow @lemisstache

  • Fevered Mutterings

    Mike has lots of travel disasters - missed flights, getting lost, etc. - but they make for great stories on his blog.

    Why Fevered Mutterings is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Mike is on a quest to visit every city in the UK and provides great tips and stories for European travel. While his UK quest is temporarily on hold while he builds a project on old-school ways of travel, he plans to pick it up again next year.

    Read: 74 Cities: Durham, the King in the North
    Follow @Mikeachim

  • Desi Globetrotter

    This online magazine shares stories of solo travelers to inspire others to get outside their comfort zones and see the world.

    Why Desi Globetrotter is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Unique looks at different locations around the world, plus itineraries and travel inspiration.

    Read: Interview: Travel Adventures with Delhi's Roots Vida
    Follow @desiglobetrottr

  • Roads Less Traveled

    An experienced writer, Tracy uses her literary skills and cultural insights to piece together beautiful travel essays and stories of reaching across cultures.

    Why Roads Less Traveled is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Great cultural insights and beautiful photos and words.

    Read: Rob Hopkins, Transition, and the Power of Just Doing Stuff
    Follow @thirstyboots07

  • Exotic Gringo

    For Kaushal, travel is more about people than places. He loves meeting locals and wanderers around the world and aims to always be a year younger than the number of countries he's visited.

    Why Exotic Gringo is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Kaushal goes all over and has great advice for destinations throughout India and the world.

    Read: Gringo Says Go: Vaayu, Goa
    Follow @exoticgringo

  • Nomadic Samuel

    Samuel has lived, worked, and traveled the globe, and he shares the good and the bad that comes with worldwide travel.

    Why Nomadic Samuel is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Great photography tips, honest stories, and quirky advice.

    Read: Our First Impressions of Amsterdam
    Follow @NomadicSamuel

  • McCool Travel

    Travel expert Charles' ultimate goal is to increase travel happiness, which he does by helping people find destinations and deals to fit every travel style and budget.

    Why McCool Travel is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Sort by destination and type of travel to find the perfect stories, advice, and destinations.

    Read: 5 Fun Places to Eat in Annapolis, Maryland
    Follow @charlesmccool

  • The Joy Trip Project

    Experienced in journalism and outdoor recreation, James brings his two loves together to share stories and inspiration for outdoor adventure at home and abroad.

    Why The Joy Trip Project is a Top Solo Travel Blog: In-depth looks at culture, current events, and environmental issues as they relate to travel.

    Read: Outdoors for All: Why Diversity Matters in the Outdoor Industry
    Follow @joytripproject

  • Go Travel your Way

    Josh is a regular guy who does irregular things around the world - follow along on his wild adventures and stories.

    Why Go Travel your Way is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Josh writes detailed travel guides for can't-miss places full of adventure.

    Read: 10 Reasons You Should Travel to Afghanistan
    Follow @gotravelyourway

  • Rexy Edventures

    A luxury backpacker, Ed has seen the world and had amazing adventures. He shares his stories as a deaf solo traveler based in London.

    Why Rexy Edventures is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Great travel inspiration and insights into the good and challenging aspects of solo travel.

    Read: Hue to Hanoi Bus: The Survival Guide
    Follow @rexyedventures

  • Bren on the Road

    Brendan aims to see as much of the world as he can without spending a fortune. He travels slowly to truly understand each place he visits.

    Why Bren on the Road is a Top Solo Travel Blog: The blog is a good mixture of detailed travel guides, plus personal stories and travel introspection.

    Read: Have You Been to Tanzania?
    Follow @brenontheroad

  • Aakash Ranison

    Cycle, walk, bike, or hitchhike to travel, Aakash loves to see the world and meet new people.

    Why Aakash Ranison is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Honest tech reviews and gear news, as well as travel journals for Aakash's adventures.

    Read: The Bhutan Project: Travel Diaries 1.2
    Follow @aakashranison

  • I Dreamed of This

    With a goal to learn 10 languages, Nathan is always challenging himself to see new places and experience new things as he enjoys the freedom that travel brings.

    Why I Dreamed of This is a Top Solo Travel Blog: A great guide to the Philippines, from beaches to cultural activities.

    Read: Masbate: The Best Tourist-Free Beaches in the Philippines
    Follow @idreamedofthis

  • Dan Flying Solo

    A solo traveler who loves photography and technology, Dan isn't afraid to try something new and share his honest opinions.

    Why Dan Flying Solo is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Search by destination to find Dan's travels to unusual places and his photos and tips of what to see and do.

    Read: How to Book the Cheapest Flights Possible to Anywhere
    Follow @danflyingsolo

  • Twenty First Century Nomad

    Steve, a global traveler for more than 20 years, shares stories from his treks and his thoughts on travel.

    Why Twenty First Century Nomad is a Top Solo Travel Blog: A great mix of travel reviews and personal essays to get a deeper look at long-term travel.

    Read: Travel is Not Always Amazing
    Follow @21CenturyNomad

  • Travel Inspiration 360

    Singapore-born Keith has a passion for travel, adventure, and seeing new places, and wants to inspire others to have unpredictable travel adventures.

    Why Travel Inspiration 360 is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Keith gives in-depth packing and travel tips, as well as inspirational stories.

    Read: Ultimate Male Packing List
    Follow @k_ti360

  • Travel Andy

    Proving you don't have to be rich to see the world, Andy travels on a shoestring budget but doesn't skimp on experiences.

    Why Travel Andy is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Great money-saving tips to spread your budget and still have the trip of a lifetime.

    Read: Kyoto's List of Don'ts for Visitors
    Follow @Travelandysite

  • Where the Road Goes

    Researcher Richard is an expert on Africa and investigates areas of conflict.

    Why Where the Road Goes is a Top Solo Travel Blog: In-depth travel and cultural insights from throughout Africa.

    Read: Ranciere v Fanon: South Africa's Insurgent Citizens
    Follow @wheretheroad

  • Victor's Travels

    Victor is a modern-day explorer who wants to inform and inspire others to get out and have adventures around the world.

    Why Victor's Travels is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Entertaining stories and practical travel tips on anything from the best restaurants to how to hitchhike.

    Read: Culture Shock in China
    Follow @victorstravels

  • Geeky Explorer

    Always seeking the best value while traveling, Bruno shares his stories of gradually increasing his travel plans.

    Why Geeky Explorer is a Top Solo Travel Blog: Itineraries and honest feedback for global locations, plus ways to do it on a budget and helping everyone travel smarter.

    Read: 43 Reasons Why Visiting Portugal is a (Really) Good Idea
    Follow @geekyexplorer

Michelle Kaiser is a retail analyst at CreditDonkey, a credit card comparison and reviews website. Write to Michelle Kaiser at michelle@creditdonkey.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for our latest posts.

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