Rumor has it that more than 50% of American marriages end up in divorce. Is it true? Learn about the average length of a marriage and other important divorce statistics in the United States.
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Looking Closely at Marriages
- How long is the average marriage?
The average marriage in the United States lasts 8 years. This is the average time from marriage to divorce. The average time between marriage and separation is 7 years.
- What percentage of first marriages end up in divorce?
Between 40% and 50% of first marriages end in divorce dissolved in the United States.
- What percentage of second marriages end up in divorce?
Second marriages have an even higher risk of divorce, nearly 60%.
- What percentage of couples make it to 10 years?
Just about 70% of married couples in the United States make it to their 10th wedding anniversary.
- What percentage of couples make it to 20 years?
The likelihood of a couple making it to their 20th anniversary drops to just about 50% after their 10-year anniversary.
Women initiate almost 70% of divorces. In contrast, separation of non-married couples was about equal, with men and women both initiating just as often.
- Do divorced couples ever reconcile?
Approximately 6 out of 1,000 divorced couples reunite, according to Nancy Kalish, professor emeritus at California State University in Sacramento. Of those that did reunite, though, 72% stayed together.
- How many divorces involve children?
More than 1 million children suffer the effects of divorce every year. In fact, only 42% of teens (ages 14–18) live with their own parents who are in their first marriage.
- What are the five grounds for divorce?
Each state has their own "grounds for divorce laws" for at-fault divorces. But some are common across all states, including:
- Adultery
- Abuse
- Fraudulent marriage
- Marriage between relatives
- Mental health illness
- Criminal acts
- Bigamy
- Addiction
In no-fault divorces, the most common reason is "irreconcilable differences," which could mean many things. Another common reason is "incompatibility."
Marriages Around the World
- What states have the highest rates of divorce?
The top five states with the highest divorce rates are:
- Nevada: 4.5 out of every 1,000 people
- Oklahoma: 4.1 out of every 1,000 people
- Wyoming: 4.0 out of every 1,000 people
- Idaho: 3.9 out of every 1,000 people
- Alabama, Arkansas, and Kentucky: 3.7 out of every 1,000 people
- What states have the lowest rates of divorce?
The five states with the lowest rates of divorce are:
- Illinois and Louisiana: 1.9 out of every 1,000 people divorce
- Iowa: 2.0 out of every 1,000 people divorce
- Massachusetts and Texas: 2.2 out of every 1,000 people
- Kansas and Wisconsin: 2.4 out of every 1,000 people
- District of Columbia, Maryland, and North Dakota: 2.5 out of every 1,000 people
- What country has the highest divorce rate?
Maldives, a country with a population of approximately 450,000 people, has a divorce rate of 10.97 divorces for every 1,000 people.
- What country has the lowest divorce rate?
India has the lowest divorce rate throughout the world, with just 1% of marriages ending in divorce.
Divorce Causes
- What is the most common age for divorce?
25- to 39-year-olds are the most likely to get divorced, with a rate of 24 out of every 1,000 married people.
40- to 49-year-olds were a close runner up, with 21 people for every 1,000 married people getting divorced.
- What percentage of divorces are a "gray divorce"?
Today, for every 1,000 adults ages 50 and over who are married, 10 of those couples divorced. This is double the amount of "gray divorces" from the '90s.
- What profession has the highest rate of divorce?
Gaming managers tend to have the highest rate of divorce, at just about 53%. The data shows that those with higher levels of education and consequently, larger salaries, tend to have lower levels of divorce.
- What profession has the lowest rate of divorce?
Ironically enough, actuaries, who study risk, have the lowest rate of divorce, at 15%.
- What is the leading cause of divorce?
The reasons for divorce are numerous, but the most common cause is "basic incompatibility," according to a study conducted by the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts.
The remaining top causes for divorce include:
- Infidelity: 28%
- Money issues: 22%
- Abuse (physical or emotional): 5.8%
At the bottom of the scale are parenting issues and addiction issues, both with a score of just 0.5%.
15% of married couples haven't had sex in the last six months, according to a study by Denise A. Donnelly, associate professor of sociology at Georgia State University.
- Who is most likely to get divorced?
Anyone can get divorced for any reason. But some traits may increase your odds, including:
- Getting married too young (typically younger than 21)
- Having little education
- Not living in a "first marriage" home
- Inability to handle stress
- Being divorced before
- Low income
- What percentage of divorces happen because of social media?
A UK-based study claimed that 20% of divorces were due to Facebook or other social media sites. While the validity of the study is under scrutiny, a study conducted by the University of Missouri did find that excessive Facebook or other social media use could cause issues with spouses.
- What are the top ways to avoid divorce?
Some of the top ways to avoid divorce include:
- Keeping the lines of communication open
- Staying on the same page regarding finances
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- Get outside help if things aren't going right
- Make time to connect every day or as often as you can
- Spend time apart to do things you love
- Enter a marriage only when you know both parties are dedicated and ready
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Bottom Line
Divorce is common no matter where you live. Before you enter into a marriage, take your time and think about the future. Not all marriages are doomed, but the statistics are eye-opening enough to make couples truly think about their decision.
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