Updated November 30, 2023

Cheap Credit Repair

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Cheap credit repair companies and software can still offer excellent service. Here are your options.

Credit repair can cost you hundreds of dollars per month.

What if you're already squeezing the budget to pay for rent and bills? Then it's a tough one. You can't just put off fixing your credit and expect your score to improve.

The solution? Cheap credit repair services. There are affordable credit repair companies and apps that won't leave a dent in your budget. Read on for your options.

What are the most affordable credit repair options for you?
Here are the cheapest credit repair options you can choose from:

  1. Sky Blue Credit as best overall
  2. The Credit People for best money-back guarantee
  3. Credit Firm for cheapest service
  4. Credit Versio as the best AI-powered app
  5. Go Clean Credit for free DIY credit repair app
  6. Dovly for best credit monitoring
  7. DIY as the cheapest option

Most Affordable Credit Repair Companies

Although you're looking at affordable options, there are still other things to consider. Take a look at the credit repair services they offer, other potential fees, and promos you can opt for.

How much are you willing to pay for a credit repair service every month?

Let's start with the best option.

Sky Blue Credit: Best Credit Repair Overall

Sky Blue Credit has been around since 1989. Since then, it has disputed millions of negative items for its clients.

The company also works fast, operating on a 35-day cycle. That means Sky Blue Credit can remove your negative items 10 days faster than the typical credit repair service.

Also, Sky Blue Credit offers one of the most affordable plans for unlimited disputes. Here's what you can get from them:[1]

Price (per month)$99.00$149.00
Setup Fee/Initial Working Fee$99.00$149.00
Pro Analysis
Custom Disputes
Statute of Limitation (SOL) Research
Score Assistance
Credit Rebuilding Strategies
Coaches on CallNo extra charge upon request
Extra Services like Debt Validation, Goodwill Letters, and Cease-and-Desist LettersNo extra charge upon request

What is an initial working fee?
Initial working fee is the cost of performing preliminary work on your credit. It is also known as first-work fee or setup fee. The initial working fee covers tasks like:
  • Setting up and creating your account
  • Fees for pulling up your credit report
  • Initial disputes for your negative items
  • Any agreed-upon initial work that's part of your service contract

Guarantees and Promos:
Sky Blue Credit offers a 90-day money-back guarantee if you end up unsatisfied with the service.

And if you subscribe with your partner, you can opt for the Couples plan. You'll get $40 off per month for his or her account. It's ideal if you split the bill equally.

Hidden Charges and Cancellation Policy:
Sky Blue Credit does not charge extra fees apart from the initial working fee and monthly service cost. You can also cancel your service with no need for termination fees.

However, if you're still undecided, you can just pause the service within the app. You can continue the service anytime.

Note that Sky Blue Credit's main forte is Mortgage Preparation. It's a tailored credit repair solution, specifically if you are applying for a home loan or need to refinance your mortgage.

The Credit People: For Service Guarantee

The Credit People has been in business for more than 20 years. That longevity shows the kind of service they provide.

You can choose from one of their monthly plans. Or opt for their flat-rate plan with premium service. You're covered with a satisfaction guarantee either way.[2][3]

Price$99.00 per month$119.00 per month$599.00 for six months
First fee$19.00$19.00$19.00
Unlimited challenges to three main credit bureaus
Credit score updates
Monthly credit monitoring (report and scores)
Creditor interventions
Escalated disputes and validations

The Premium Flat Rate gives you more bang for your buck! You'll end up paying around $99 monthly with all the Premium plan's features. Plus, you'll get that extra layer of security with a longer Satisfaction Guarantee.

Guarantees and Promos:
Like the previous companies on this list, The Credit People offers promos and discounts. You'll get $20 off a plan when you sign up with your spouse (for Standard and Premium plans).[4] You'll also get $100-$180 for successful referrals for any package.[5]

And if you aren't happy with the service, the Satisfaction Guarantee will waive the fee for you. This guarantee is available for all plans.

Hidden Charges and Cancellation Policy:
The Credit People does not charge hidden fees that rack up your bill. You can cancel your plan at any time without penalties, too.

How do I know if I'm signing up with a legitimate credit repair company?
You need to do background checks to know if the company you are interested in is real. You can also look out for the typical red flags of a company operating a scam.

Credit Firm: Cheapest Credit Repair Service

Credit Firm offers the cheapest, all-inclusive credit repair service among other companies in this list. That and a team of attorneys with over 20 years of experience in credit repair.

Here's what we mean by "cheapest":[6]

Price (per month)$49.99$89.99
Initial Working FeeNoneNone
Personal Credit Consultant
Online Portal Access
In-Depth Credit Audit
Unlimited Challenges to Credit Bureaus
Unlimited Verifications for Credit Bureau Compliance
Unlimited Inquiry Challenges
Unlimited Personal Info Challenges
Unlimited Goodwill Interventions
Unlimited Dispute Escalation
Unlimited Debt Validation

It's rare for a credit repair company to start your service without initial fees. So Credit Firm stands out by being the only company on the list that does not charge a first work fee.

Guarantees and Promos:
Unfortunately, Credit Firm does not offer a money-back guarantee or refund policy. But you can save $10 if you sign up with another person as part of the Couples Plan.[7]

Hidden Charges and Cancelation Policy:
Credit Firm does not charge hidden fees. The costs advertised on their service pages are the only charges you need to worry about. You can also cancel your plan anytime without penalties.

Legitimate companies don't promise specific outcomes for your credit.
Be wary of credit repair companies promising an increase in your credit score or immediate removals of your negative items. It takes time to dispute derogatory items. Results sometimes don't reflect until a few weeks later.

Maybe these companies are still too costly. You're not out of options just yet.

Most Affordable Credit Repair Apps

Credit repair apps are cheaper than credit repair companies because mostly, there are no human professionals assisting you.

Below are some of the cheapest apps for restoring your credit.

Credit Versio: AI-Powered Credit Repair

Credit Versio is a cloud-based credit repair software that uses artificial intelligence (AI). It analyzes and disputes negative items for you. The lawyers and credit counselors are out of the picture.

The plans are relatively cheaper than that of credit repair companies. You also don't need to worry about initial working fees or setup fees.

Here are the plans to choose from:[8]

Price (per month)$19.95$29.95$29.99
Unlimited Disputes
Monthly Credit Bureau Reports and Scores
SmartCredit Money Manager
Identity Theft Insurance$1 million$1 million$25 thousand
TransUnion Monitoring and Alerts2 updates onlyUnlimited updates

The downside is that there will be no handholding from trained professionals. You need to do all the work in disputing negative items in your report. It is a more DIY approach to credit repair, with the power of AI doing some legwork for you.

Mobile Apps:
Credit Versio does not have a mobile app.

Go Clean Credit: Free Diy Credit Repair App

Go Clean Credit is a credit repair company that offers a free app to help you DIY your credit repair. That said, it's one of the cheapest solutions since it's free!

Here are the things you can do with the app:

Price (per month)0
Import and analyze credit reports
Create custom dispute letters
Step-by-step guide for dispute process
Remove collections and late payments
Check for inaccurate information
Track progress

You pay nothing by creating an account. There are also no hidden charges or surprise fees.

Although, keep in mind that you're completely on your own with this app. So that means you'll need to come up with the most effective dispute letters and manage cases alone.

Mobile Apps:
Go Clean Credit does not have a mobile app. However, you can download the DIY app on your desktop and begin your own credit repair process.

Dovly: Best Credit Monitoring

Dovly is an automated credit repair app that lets you follow a general Select-Increase-Dispute process for your credit reports. It also comes with a free and paid plan.

Although the free plan surely makes it affordable, the annual paid plan offers the best value. You'll be getting unlimited disputes for just less than $10 a month.[9]

Price$0$39.99 per month$99.99 per year
TransUnion Report
and Score
Credit Bureau
Disputes per Month
1 dispute to TransUnion onlyUnlimited disputes with all 3 bureausUnlimited disputes with all 3 bureaus
Credit Monitoring and
ID Theft Alerts
$1 Million
ID Theft Insurance

The free account is actually more than enough for people with few negative items in their report.

The app also works great as a credit monitoring app for your TransUnion report and credit score.

Mobile Apps:
Dovly has two mobile apps: iOS app and Android app.

DIY: The Cheapest Option of Them All

You can always review, analyze and dispute negative items on your own. It's your right as a consumer according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act.[10] The only cost will be your time.

Steps to do a DIY credit repair:
Although it's the cheapest option, it will definitely require the most effort.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Get your free annual credit report
    You can access your free credit reports in Annual Credit Report — an online source authorized by Federal Law.

    Currently, the website offers free weekly reports from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. This initiative began during the start of the COVID-19 crisis.

  2. Check all information in your credit reports
    Check all information in your credit reports, including personal information such as your name and address.

    Then review all your transactions for accuracy. Note the dates, status of the lender (if they're still in the business), amounts, outstanding balance, remarks, etc.

  3. Dispute negative items
    List down negative items, such as transactions with inaccurate information and records that aren't yours.

    Then, write a letter for transactions you want to dispute. In this part, you can explain your case and prove why the negative item shouldn't be part of your report.

    If you have evidence to support this, place it with your printed dispute letter. Then send the letter to each credit bureau by mail.

    Keep in mind to limit your dispute letters to up to five inaccurate items.

  4. Wait for results
    Give your disputes about 30 to 45 days. By law, credit bureaus have 30 days to search on your cases. The 15 days is a standard addition to your cycle if there is new evidence, such as you sending more proof to dispute the item.

Having said all this, what is the best way to repair your credit?

Credit Repair Company vs. App vs. DIY

There are pros and cons to each method of repairing your credit. Let's talk about some things you can weigh on.

When to choose a cheap credit repair company:
Choose a company if you have a budget for credit repair. Extensive credit repair is not an easy job, especially if you have other things to do. At least with a company, you are sure that professionals are handling your credit and dispute cases.

Credit repair companies are also the better choice if you don't have the confidence to fix your credit. The entire process can be intimidating and, at worst, very aggressive.

With credit repair, you may deal with many negative scenarios, such as late payments, missed payments, or big collections you left years ago. You may also end up setting agreements with creditors you owe money to.

When to choose a cheap credit repair app:
Choose an app if you want a cheaper way to restore your credit. These apps are powerful enough to analyze your credit reports and identify what's affecting your credit score.

You can also maximize free apps for self-credit repair. This way, you don't actually get to spend a dime to fix your credit.

How to repair your credit?
Repairing your credit can take a while. Here are some things you can do to start:

  • Monitor your credit report so you can keep track of recent changes.
  • File a dispute with credit bureaus for inaccurate information on your report.
  • Try to settle collections and late payments with your creditor.
  • Keep all things in writing when you have an agreement with your creditors.
  • Keep a low utilization ratio among your credit lines.
  • Open a credit builder you can commit to and build better payment history.
  • Try to dispute and repair your own credit first, then seek professionals if there are more challenging items that need an aggressive dispute approach.

When to choose DIY:
DIY is the cheapest option since it costs $0 to dispute items on your own. But you do need to spend time and effort to accurately analyze your credit reports.

You also need effective disputes to get credit bureaus to remove your negative items. So there's a lot to learn compared to the previous two options.

Credit repair blogs are a great source of education.
There isn't a shortage of content if you want to learn more about disputing your negative items or dealing with creditors. Many credit repair companies, even the new ones, put up a blog as an additional resource for credit education.

What the Experts Say

CreditDonkey asked a panel of industry experts to answer readers' most pressing questions. Here's what they said:

Bottom Line: Are Cheap Credit Repair Companies and Apps Worth Trying?

Cheap credit repair companies and apps can still deliver the best credit repair services. You don't need to put out hundreds of dollars monthly if more affordable options do the trick.

In fact, you can repair your own credit when you learn and apply effective dispute strategies. That would be the cheapest option because you are monitoring your credit on your own.

But don't just go for the cheapest option! There are always other things to consider, such as extra features, time and effort needed, and company performance. Your best bet is always the option providing the most value.


  1. ^ Sky Blue Credit. Member Pricing, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  2. ^ The Credit People. Plans and Pricing, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  3. ^ The Credit People. All the Cost Up Front, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  4. ^ The Credit People. FAQ: Is there a discount for couples?, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  5. ^ The Credit People. Helping People While Making Money, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  6. ^ Creditfirm.net. Pricing, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  7. ^ Credit Firm. Do you have a couples rate?, Retrieved 8/22/23
  8. ^ Credit Versio. Pricing, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  9. ^ Dovly. Pricing, Retrieved 7/15/2023
  10. ^ CFPB. Consumer Advisory: Don't Be Misled by Companies Offering Paid Credit Repair Services. Retrieved 07/01/2023

Write to Alex Mambaje at feedback@creditdonkey.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for our latest posts.

Note: This website is made possible through financial relationships with some of the products and services mentioned on this site. We may receive compensation if you shop through links in our content. You do not have to use our links, but you help support CreditDonkey if you do.

How much are you willing to pay for a credit repair service every month?
21% $0 – I prefer DIY credit repair
69% Less than $50
8% $50 – $100
3% More than $150
Source: CreditDonkey. Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding.
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Most Aggressive Credit Repair Companies

Most Aggressive Credit Repair Companies

A bad credit score can mean expensive fees. But the most aggressive credit repair companies can help with that. Read on for your options.

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CreditDonkey is a credit card comparison website. We publish data-driven analysis to help you save money & make savvy decisions.

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